Modern Slavery Act for CURRENT ECO AS

Company form and organization

CURRENT Eco AS (912 901 491) is a Norwegian registered limited liability company with headquarters in Frøyas gate 15, 0273 Oslo, Norway.

Products and services

CURRENT Eco AS offers software services and management systems for electric vehicle chargers aimed at the corporate market.


CURRENT Eco AS operates in Norway and Current Sweden Eco AB in Sweden. In addition, we have some subscriptions outside these markets.

Our internal guidelines and routines


CURRENT Eco AS has only a limited number of subcontractors and produces most of its products in-house. Our subcontractors can be divided into three groups:

  • Information suppliers: The group includes charging box manufacturers, etc.
  • Data centers: The group includes Microsoft Azure, etc.
  • Software and service providers: The group includes Hubspot, Microsoft, etc.

CURRENT Eco AS investigates all service providers in accordance with Norwegian law and our ethical guidelines before entering into a collaboration with a supplier. All suppliers are informed of our ethical guidelines and the expectation to comply with these prior to a collaboration.


We provide training adapted to employees' and managers' areas of responsibility.

Due diligence assessments

Due diligence is carried out based on a risk-based approach in line with applicable legislation.

Other measures

Procedures have been established in CURRENT ECO AS by the staff function Organizational Development.

  • The Board has delegated responsibility for follow-up to the CEO.

  • Due diligence assessments of suppliers and partners have been carried out.

  • A group has been established across the companies that meets in the event of any findings to assess necessary measures.

Responsibility and follow-up

Responsibility for compliance with these guidelines in day-to-day operations lies with the Board of Directors and the functions to which the Board may delegate competence. Continuous due diligence assessments and supervision are carried out.


No findings.

Tom Orvei, Adm. Director On behalf of Current Eco AS and Current Sweden Eco AB