Tom Orvei
12. Jan 2022 | 2 min read

Article in Time Magazine January 7th. 2022. Norway is a beautiful country with tall mountains and deep fjords. It stretches up above the Arctic Circle and the climate in at least parts of the country is cold and unforgiving. The population is scattered across the country, with only a few larger cities.
Not the ideal place to start an electrical vehicle revolution.
Probably not the ideal place to start any revolution.
It is a revolution though.
With the help of regulatory incentives, electric vehicles have become the new normal. So much so that the sales numbers are hard to believe.
In November 2021 73,8% of all new cars sold were 100% electric. When plug-in hybrid cars, making up 21,1% of the market of all new cars sold, are included, the total amounts to almost 95%.
According to this article in Time Magazine, it took 10 years to go from 1% to 65% market share of electric and plug-in hybrid cars in Norway.
The forecast for 2022 is above 80%.
The importance of an active government that puts the right incentives in place - like taxing new, polluting cars heavily, and exempting EVs from taxes, is emphasized.
The Norwegian parliament has in addition to making such incentives central also decided that all new cars and vans sold must be zero-emission vehicles by 2025.
This revolution is not only a Norwegian phenomenon. EV infrastructure is growing across the whole planet, with northern Europe taking the lead.
The race towards a revolution is also happening in the USA, where President Biden has passed an infrastructure bill including $7.5 billion to build a nationwide charging network.
This charging network will be crucial in fuelling the revolution but implementing policies that involve incentives directly targeted at the consumer side is what really drives the EV revolution onwards.
Interested in knowing more? Read the full article here.
Or contact us for a free consultation on how to help you succeed in this emerging market.