Asbjørn Mitusch
20. Nov 2023 | 2 min read

We've launched a new installer module in the CURRENT Charge app for Android and iOS. The new module allows installers to set up charge points in two minutes using a smart phone. Our developers have gone through and simplified the entire installation process. All you need to do is download the 'CURRENT Charge' app, tap the installer module, and fill in a few text fields. The new module will save our installation partners hours each month, and the simplifications have reduced the possibility of human error.
The installer module is available to anyone who participates in our Premium Installer Program. Through this programme, you as an installer, get several benefits, which you can read more about at the link below. Participants in the premium programme include members of Elfag and Bravida. If you are not part of the programme, you can click this link to join the programme. There is no membership fee, but we ask that you read the information on the page before joining.
The CURRENT Charge app is available through the Apple App Store and Google Play.