CURRENT Professional

Need to test your OCPP-compliance?
We can help.

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Our Solutions


The OCPP-Sandbox

The OCPP-Sandbox gives you complete access to everything above, and costs only 750 a month. For that price, you can test as many chargers as you want, using the most advanced sandbox on the market.

Please keep in mind that there is a one-year lock-in period. The subscription can be cancelled after 12 months.

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Current Certified

If you don’t need or want to perform your own OCPP testing, we can do it for you. For a flat fee of 10.000, Current will handle the OCPP testing on your behalf. That way, you don’t have to worry about interpreting results and training staff. We’ll do a complete OCPP integration test, and check for full, partial, or no support for all OCPP modules.

At the end of our testing phase, you’ll receive a complete report with our recommendations. If we find you to be OCPP-Core compliant, and we find nothing alarming, we’ll also offer to include your charging box on our list of officially supported chargers.

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Contact our OCPP Team

Do you have any questions regarding OCPP or want to integrate with Current? Get in touch with our OCPP specialists.