GARO: With Bender Controller

Method 1 (Preconfigured by Garo)

This is the case where the chargers are shipped straight from Garos factory.

The installer doesn’t need to do anything here and the charger should connect to Currents backend as soon as it establishes internet connection.

Method 2 (USB Stick)

Step 1: Find a USB stick.

Step 2: Follow this guide to format the USB stick to FAT32

How to Format a USB Drive to FAT32 on Windows 10 and Windows 11

Step 3: Request the setup/configuration files from CURRENT. You should get them by mail

Step 4: Depending on which controller you are configuring (SIM based or LAN based) and what the internet connection is, place the appropriate contents of the folder on the usb stick.

If you have a Master/Slave setup, start with setting up the master. 

Step 5: Plug the usb stick into the master Bender controller and wait 5 – 10 seconds.

Step 6: Remove the USB stick.

Step 7: If there is a slave controller, perform the same steps(Step 4 – Step 6) but replace the files on the USB stick with the configurations for the slave controller!  


Method 3 (Manual Configuration via Micro-USB interface)

Step 1: prepare a micro-USB to usb Cable

Step 2: plug the micro-usb into the micro-usb port on the master Bender controller and the USB end to a laptop. Your laptop is now connected to the controller.

Step 3: Open a browser(f.ex Chrome) and enter the following URL: into the address bar.

Step 4: Select the Master option on the left meny pannel

Step 5: Select “Settings”

Step 4: Login with the following credentials:

                Default username: operator

                Default password: yellow_zone or cherry_zone

Step 5. Configure the charger to use Current as the Central System and set the following settings