Case Study:
Electric Freeway
Electric Freeway has been an independent CPO since September 2021, and they are rapidly growing their business in Norway and Denmark. Also, they have a goal of reaching the Swedish market. Their main customers are housing associations and communal garages where systematized software and payment solutions for charging EV cars are necessary.

ABOUT Electric freeway
Electric Freeway was established in 2020 by highly experienced people with a background in EV charging, software development, the energy industry, and finance/payment solutions.
Electric Freeway has been an independent CPO since September 2021 and offers complete charging solutions for small and large charging facilities.
Charge Point Operators
Charging Locations
Choosing Current
Originally, Electric Freeway wanted to develop a software solution for charge point operation. This changed when they found Current, realizing that what they planned to create had already been made.
Also, Electric Freeway quickly understood that working with end-users was their passion, so they changed their business plan, signed a licensing deal, and white-labeled the Current-solution Electric Freeway Smart Charge.

“We actively sell Current´s solution, and we are certain that this is the best solution for Charge Point Management in today´s market.”
What problem does Current solve?
Current’s solution has many advantages, the most important two being that they are hardware-agnostic and the fully automated system for setting up prices and payment for charging.
Payment and billing go directly to the customer, meaning the board of a housing association or the administrators of a communal parking lot do not become responsible for manually sorting out and billing individual users, which is the case for many other seemingly similar solutions. Also, the portal is flexible and user-friendly, enabling customization of prices, balancing of load, and so on.

Current’s software is not bound to one hardware producer, as is often the case with other software. Testing and integrating different hardware against their software leaves the customer free to choose which hardware to use.
Today, at least 40 different hardware vendors have been certified and integrated with Current´s solution, making it possible to mix and match hardware as deemed most suitable at any given time.
“Many software providers for charge points claim to do the same as Current, but nobody actually has the same functionalities.”
- Dag Storli, Electric Freeway
“Getting started with Currents software is easy, and the customer service is excellent. “
- Dag Storli, Electric Freeway
Electric Freeway cooperates closely with the technical team of Current and discusses customer cases and strategies with them all the time. The expertise and experience Current has from being many years in the business is something no other Charge Point Operator in the market today has.